Friday, February 18, 2011

Munich Recap

As I was on the long seven-hour train to Munich I had a few goals in my mind for the weekend.  These goals were all accomplished in the short time that we had to spend in the big city.  When we arrived on Friday night after checking into the hostel we headed straight to the famous Hofbrauhaus.  We stayed here until closing drinking one-liter steins of amazing German beer.  The following morning we arose, of course just minutes after the hostel stopped serving the “included” breakfast and made our way the BMW World and Museum.  This place was amazing, especially for me because I am a big fan of BMWs.  We spent most of the day walking around the city seeing the various sites and what not.  That night we went back to the Hofbrauhaus but this time we planned to eat there as well as drinking.  The food was amazing classic Bavarian cuisine.

Before leaving for Luxembourg we decided to make our way outside of the city to the smaller town of Dachau.  Obviously we did this to visit the Dachau concentration camp.  Dachau was the first and one of the largest concentration camps of WWII.  I’m not going to attempt to describe visiting Dachau because it really is one of those things that cannot be put into words.  I think the only word that could be somewhat adequate to describe the visit would be “intense.”  Although it wasn’t the most fun way to spend the last day in Munich, my friends and I were all glad that we took the time to visit this iconic site.

Seven or so hours later we were back in Luxembourg and ready (haha) for another week of school.  Side note – I’m writing this from the Brussels airport where I will be spending the night before my flight to Nice, France tomorrow to kick off my Carnival break, followed by Lyon, France to see a Lyon vs. Real Madrid Football game, and ending with a few days in Barcelona.  Another break you ask?  Why yes.  We’re calling this our spring break 2 of 4.

New pictures will be up soon!

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