Thursday, January 20, 2011


I know, I know...I have yet to say anything or put up any pictures from Antwerp/Bruges...and to be honest its mainly because Antwerp wasn't the most interesting place in the world and I was only in Bruges for a few hours.  However, this weekend I will be going to Amsterdam and am going to make much better use of my time.  Planning on going to the Van Gogh museum, touring the Heineken brewery and doing the Heineken "experience", going to the Amsterdam zoo (3rd oldest in Europe), and weather pending doing a bike tour of the city.  Should be a great weekend and I promise to take lots of pictures and to actually share them with anyone who is actually reading this!


  1. There is lots of museums in Amsterdam. Nemo , science Museum is best museum for kids. I am sure that your kids will definitely enjoy there.
    spain on a budget
